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Also, identify the goals or priorities of the department/office. If the department/office primarily serves students, does the office have learning outcomes relevant to its work with students? In other words, does the department/office expect that students will acquire certain skill sets or knowledge as a result of participating in the program or interacting with the staff? If so, list these student learning outcomes. Does the department/office use data to evaluate the extent to which the learning outcomes are being met? If so, provide student learning outcome assessment data. In other words, provide evidence or list specific information/data sets that determine how successful the program is in helping the students meet the learning outcomes. Identify and explain changes made to the departmental mission statement, goals/priorities, and student learning outcomes since the last Program Review. III. STUDENTS Provide information on: the number of students currently served by the program the usage trend over time in the numbers of students served the types of students served; data may be disaggregated by gender, ethnicity and/or any other variables relevant to the department the frequency of various types of services provided the connection between program participation and retention at the University the overall academic success of program participants Provide feedback/student evaluation data. Describe how the department obtains student feedback. Provide benchmarking data. How do the services offered compare to those at peer institutions? If applicable, describe the demand for more or different services than the department is currently providing. Provide a reflective discussion on the student usage and evaluation items above, as well as projected program demand. IV. STAFF, RESOURCES AND PROGRAM VIABILITY A. Provide information on the human resources in your department/office. Include: academic credentials and experiential background of the staff mentoring processes professional development opportunities and resources staff review and evaluation processes extent of staff turnover and changes anticipated for the future how the staff composition reflects the diversity goals of the institution Provide information about staff workload and the adequacy of current staffing levels. Are there sufficient staff to maintain program quality? Do staff have the support that they need to do their work? How are staff informed of current trends and relevant information in your field? Provide information on how facilities (office space, equipment, computers/technology, and other physical resources) impact program viability. In particular, discuss both unique strengths and important needs not being met or opportunities not being explored because of limitations. Evaluate the current level of fiscal resources allocated to your department/office. How are resources being allocated to try to maintain program quality? What have been the trends in the operational budget in your department/office? Discuss the collaboration that your program has with other departments and offices around campus. Who do you work with on a regular basis? Are these relationships productive? Does your program receive the support that you need from other departments and offices to adequately do your work? Does your office provide support or resources to other offices or departments to help them maintain their program(s)? V. SUMMARY, PLANNING AND VISION Summarize how successful the program is in achieving its goals/priorities, as identified by assessment and this Program Review. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? What things are working well and what needs improving? After identifying each strength, provide specific evidence that supports your claim. List and prioritize the major concerns identified by assessment and this Program Review. Include: What are your recommended actions? In particular, what can be done to address these concerns without additional resources? What additional resources might be needed to address these concerns? What is the proposed time-frame for considering the concerns and finding the solutions if these solutions cannot be provided now? C. Provide a succinct conclusion and outline a vision for the future of the program. PROGRAM REVIEW PROCESS & TIMELINE A. Each Program Review must have an external reviewer provide a site visit and written evaluation of the self-study prepared by the department/office and of the programs facilities. B. All Program Reviews, including both the self-study and the external reviewers report, must be submitted to the Office of the Provost or the appropriate divisional Vice President. C. Once the self-study and the external reviewers report are complete, the department/office has a brief time period in which to review the external reviewers report for factual inaccuracies and misperceptions. If any are found, a short written departmental response may be submitted. The exact timeline for when the departmental response is due can be worked out with the Provost or the appropriate divisional Vice President. Once all documents have been received, the Provost or the appropriate divisional Vice President reviews them, provides written feedback and makes recommendations for a quality improvement plan. The quality improvement plan generally outlines expectations, improvement goals and an action plan. Copies of the final Program Review Report (including the self-study, the external reviewer report, the departmental response and the quality improvement plan) should be organized into a single electronic document by the director of the department/office and be submitted to the Director of Assessment for archiving. Then, the Program Review process is complete.   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