
University News

Outstanding Engineering Students Honored

Published: May 21, 2019 | Categories: Engineering, All News
Western New England University Seal

Western New England University held the College Engineering Senior Awards Ceremony on May 18 in Rivers Memorial Hall on the University campus. Students receiving Academic Honors Awards are selected based on their academic achievement in the major or based on their overall class standing.

The following students were recognized for their outstanding achievement:

, Biomedical Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior and The James V. Masi Biomedical Engineering Award
, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior and The Marston Engineering Award
, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
, James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award Electrical & Computer Engineering
, James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award Electrical & Computer Engineering
, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Computer Engineering
, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Electrical Engineering
, Industrial Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
, Henry L. Sundberg Jr. Award
Mechanical Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
, Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence