
University News

Announcing the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award Finalists

Published: March 05, 2021 | Categories: All News, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Business, Faculty

Support Materials Requested by Friday, March 26, 2021

2021 Teaching Excellence Seal

The Teaching Excellence Award Committee has carefully reviewed nominations and chosen the finalists for the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award. This year's finalists are:

College of Arts and Sciences
Hillary Bucs, Associate Professor of Theatre
Mary Hiser, JD Professional Educator of Criminal Justice
Dr. Denine Northrup, Professor of Psychology

College of Business
Dr. Paul Costanzo, Professor of Sport Management and Marketing

College of Engineering
Dr. James Moriarty, Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dr. Seyedmehdi Mortazavi-Zanjani, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

To help with their final selection, the Teaching Excellence Award Committee welcomes any additional input regarding the nominees that you wish to share, such as a letter of support or a personal anecdote. Please submit support materials electronically by noon on Friday, March 26, 2021, to Jackie Scalzo, Assistant to the Provost, at jackie.scalzo@wne.edu.

The Committee would like to thank everyone who nominated a faculty member for the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award and looks forward to your input.