
University News

College of Engineering Honors Class of 2024 Students For Outstanding Achievements

Published: May 20, 2024 | Categories: All News, Engineering
Western New England University Dean Cheraghi addresses students, faculty, and guests at the College of Engineering Senior Awards Ceremony on May 18.

Western New England University held its College of Engineering Senior Awards Ceremony on May 18th in the Anthony S. Caprio Alumni Healthful Living Center. The University honored 11 graduating seniors selected for their exceptional performance in their major or their overall class standing.

The following students were recognized for their outstanding achievement: 
– Biomedical Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior and Marston Engineering Award
– James V. Masi Biomedical Engineering Award
– Biomedical Engineering Professional Practice Award
– Civil & Environmental Engineering Outstanding Senior Award
– Construction Management Outstanding Senior Award
– Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Computer Engineering for Outstanding Senior Award
– Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Electrical Engineering for Outstanding Senior Award
– Electrical and Computer Engineering James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award
– Industrial Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
– Henry L. Sundberg Award
– Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Senior Award

Western New England University extends its heartfelt congratulations to these remarkable students. Their dedication, hard work, and exceptional achievements exemplify the high standards of excellence upheld by the College of Engineering. We are proud to celebrate their accomplishments and look forward to their future successes as they embark on their professional careers.